Based in beautiful Southeast Florida’s Treasure Coast, Quill & Birch is a small, unique company catering to the indie author community. We offer both traditional publishing services, as well as self-publishing services for authors of adult trade and science fiction/horror. We are a family owned and operated publishing house. Our editorial staff consists of publishing and industry professionals who have been trained and employed in traditional publishing for decades. 

Owner and CEO Vanessa R. Petrillo has worked in the publishing industry for over thirty years for some of the largest publishers in the world. She has always had a passion for the written word, and believes every aspiring writer has a story within them that is waiting for the world to read it. Notable authors Vanessa has worked with are: Tad Williams, Mercedes Lackey, CJ Cherryh, Kristen Britain, Julie Czerneda, Tanya Huff, Seanan McGuire, Michelle Sagara, and V.M. Escalada.

We are dedicated to publising significant literature in today's fast moving publishing world. We believe in working with authors who share our vision that indie publishing is able to produce a quality product equal to and even better than traditional publishing houses. We also believe that self publishing should not have to break the bank for aspiring authors and offer a la carte publishing and editing services to our authors. 

Vanessa also provides editorial reviews for indie authors. Please see our review policy on our services page.